Jidonglong Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The type section is located at Jidonglong 36 km to the west of Deqin County Town, Yunnan Province. It was named by the 1st Team under the Yunnan Regional Geological Survey Party in 1985.
Lithology and Thickness
Volcanics and mixed marine facies. It can be divided into two parts: Lower part is composed of dark-grey and grey-black lithoclastic sandstone, shale and crystalline limestone, intercalated with siliceous rocks, with a thickness of 1213.3 m. Upper part is composed sodic basalt, andesite, rhyolite, quartz-ceratophyre, fine-grained sandstone, calcareous siltstone and shale, intercalated with limestone, with a thickness of 1014.2 m, and being in an uncertain contact with the underlying strata. Total thickness is 2227.5 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Uncertain. Nearby section at "Jiangda" (column 59), SE of Deqin, has mid-Permian with unconformity onto Carboniferous Xianggu Fm (not in Carb. Lexicon set).
Upper contact
Conformable contact with the Shamu Fm
Regional extent
Distributed in the Daqin area of Yunnan Province, with its greatest thickness being found at the Pucun Village, and from there to both the southern and northern sides of the region the volcanic rocks are reducing in amount.
Fusulinida and coral fossils in both the lower and upper parts. Fusulinida fossils of Misellina claudiae, Parafusulina shaksgamensis, Staffella moellerana, Rugososchwagerina sp., belonging to the middle Permian.
Depositional setting
It is interpreted as marine volcanic effusive rocks.
Additional Information